Friday, October 9, 2009

The Calamity Maker!!! first post here, efficiently lifted from my blog archive. Just to start with :-)

Recently I went to a nearby store and found a chapathi-maker there. I was told by the sales guy that it made chapathi-making very easy. This almost lured me into buying it, taking into account innumerable days I sweat, groan, nag and sulk at the kitchen,laboring hard to accomplish the above mentioned activity. As most husbands usually are, mine is also selectively deaf at apparel stores and other ladies stores. I had to shake him vigorously to bring him to his senses when the sales guy delivered a totally overwhelming speech about the advantages of a chapathi maker.By the end of the speech, I was almost convinced into buying it. Smart as I always were, I got him pay the bill with an attached, personalized warning: ‘ Let's see how you make use of it'. Quite a challenge. I was excited, conveniently ignoring the above comment.

We got back home, and the urge to ‘use’ the chapathi-maker was tempting. It had two heavy circular plates, connected to each other, and a lever on which we were to ‘lightly press’ so that the chapathi becomes thin and round. The dough was made with great hurry, and we waited till it got all ‘set.
I now step gingerly into the kitchen looking forward to make hot, soft, delicious chapathis.
Dough 1: I take the dough, which is quite the size of a table tennis ball, apply some flour on it, press lightly with my hands, keep it inside the chapathi maker , topped with lots of expectations. I press with the maximum pressure I could possibly apply. With beaming eyes, I open it, and saw that it had grown to the size of a puri, and is stuck at the top circular plate of the maker. I tried to detach it with all my strength. Exhausted and worn out, I started breathing heavily, and this invited him to step in hurriedly into the kitchen. He tried to hide the amusement the scene had brought to his lips, pulled it out as if he was doing some Herculian task and it emerged into the weirdest shape ( close to the shape of Sri Lanka as we see it on the map). I am totally embarrassed. I roll it up again to its original shape as if nothing happened and gave an ‘its-all-in-the-game’ look. He gave me a I-tol-you-na-that-it-wont-work stare and a sarcastic what-a-beautiful-shape-for-a-chapathi look and left immediately with a have-a-nice-time-with-your-chapathi-maker smile.

He left muttering words and I could almost make out ‘She and her chapathi maker’.

Dough 2: Now that was a call to prove myself.

The second dough is taken with utmost care, placed inside, and pressed after uttering The Lord’s prayer. This time, more flour, and the pressing becomes scrupulous that both my legs are in the air now, a few centimeters abover sea level err..i mean the floor .I open the chapathi maker again with a hell lot of expectations. This time, the chapathi is thin and rounded (thanks to each and every gram of my weight). I jump with joy and try to pull it out. The chapathi gives way to two big holes for the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea.

I solemnly placed the chapathi maker in the sink, and made yummy, reasonably shaped chapathis in the next half an hour, in the conventional way.

Thanks to chapathi maker for sending down the drain 500 bucks (which I could have judiciously spent at fabindia), for wasting 30 minutes of a working-day evening, water ,soap, and giving me a joint pain bad enough that I had to use ‘moov’ continuously for 10 days after that. The chapathi maker which made my life easy, now rests at the farthest possible corner of the kitchen cupboard and is available to all readers on an auction. If you are interested, you can mail me directly at my email id .

The item on auction can be disintegrated, and creatively used as

 Paper weight

 Stand to keep oil and other jars

 Hot vessel plate

 Cutting board

 Modern wall hanging

p.s:-If you happen to buy this item and use it for purposes other than those mentioned above, please let me know!


Anonymous said...

i used it smash my ex boy friends head... best revenge when someone dumps you.. added advantage is that it can be reused for umpteen no. of times for d same purpose ;).

Thomas Viruvelil said...

And that is why he became ex boy friend so fast

Hari K T said...

Wonderful tale .....
Chappathi maker will not make chappathi ...
Its to make your work easy .... :) . But now we all know you don't know how to make chappathi lol ....
Just kidding ...... Don't throw stones :) .

Auction starts : 5 INR

Meenakshi said...

lol.. gone through it about 14 year ago when i was hardly allowed inside kitchen.. and ever since i prefer the traditional ways only...

though on a serious note,

those can help you make better puris, use with a bit of oil rather than flour.
i sometimes make use of my mom's old chapathi maker to crush almonds or nuts and stuff..

sure that your husband always has that guy smile every time he sees that chappathi maker that shows that his decision was the more bankable one..get it auctioned well enough or make good use of it to get even.. lol

all the best.. like the blog..first visit..shall be back for more..

Anita Jeyan said...

Thank You, Meenakshi!!